There was a time that getting a Council house was a privilege and people would see it as a step up from the some of the properties that could be rented privately.
However, over the years it has become a breeding ground for social exclusion and alienation from the rest of the society and something to be ashamed of and is seen as places where hope as died.
Rather than seeing it through the eyes of its original inhabitants as means of step up the property ladder a chance to have good quality accommodation whilst you saved to buy your own. not everyone would do this, but the change was enough to mean that there was a constant churn of tenants, which many people were able to benefit.
Social housing should be seen as a stepping stone to enable people to move on to the next phase of their lives or allow them to experience all that life has to offer without having to worry about expensive housing costs.
Social Housing has devolved to the extent that the private sector has moved in. The Housing Association or Registered Social Landlords or Registered Providers, who are in the not for profit organization, that often have an arm that will develop new housing, which these days are mixed tenure, with some being for sale.
These days social housing comes in may forms:
Council Housing Housing Associations Housing Co-operative
Affordable housing Intermediate Market rent Shared ownership
Rent to buy
It also seems to be that social housing just for those that are the most vulnerable and this may be the key as to social housing now attracts a number of social problems and not viewed as desirable places to live by a large majority of the community, to the point where many people, want to live as far away from a housing estate as possible.